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What are Reptiles?


What are Reptiles? Reptiles are air-breathing animals that have a backbone. Animals with a backbone are called vertebrates.

All reptiles have a unique type of skin made up of scales or scutes. Scales are made from a special protein called keratin. Scutes are contained in tortoiseshells and in the tough, hard armour of a Crocodile or Alligator. Reptiles are known for regularly shedding their skin.

The Reptile family includes animals such as Crocodiles, Alligators, Snakes, Lizards, Turtles and Tortoises.

They live in a vast range of habitats like deserts, forest, freshwaters and open oceans.

Reptiles are cold-blooded animals which means that they are unable to control their body temperature. Most reptiles spend time basking in the Sun to stay warm. Reptiles are the most active in climates with higher temperatures and often retreat to shade when they get too hot.Their metabolism runs significantly slower than warm-blood animals like mammals and birds.

Most Reptiles lay hard-shelled eggs that they will lay in a nest and soft soil or sand. An egg can resemble an egg from laid from a bird. It is known that a few Reptiles have the ability to give birth to live young. According to THE NATIONAL GEOGRAPHIC  the first Reptile fossil was recorded to date back to 315 million years.

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