Tiny Champions

The Ancient World

Some of the oldest human civilisations settled down to establish their cultures near large rivers to support farming such as crops and livestock. Rivers such as Tigris and Euphrates are located in West Asia and also the famous river Nile in Egypt. Technology started to develop and business trade expanded after 3000BCE. Large power empires started to establish across Europe and East Asia. As many countries and kingdoms arose more would conflict and rage war with one another in the bid for the competition of land and natural resources.

Tiny Champions History

Ancient World Timeline​

2589-2566 BCE​

The ancient Egyptians developed and built the Great Pyramid at Giza.

2500 BCE​

With the rise of new societies, the first-ever recorded war takes place between the cities of Umma and Lagash in Mesopotamia.

1900 BCE​

The fearsome Amorites came along to conquer most of Mesopotamia. During their reign, the Amorites ruled from the city of Babylon.

950-612 BCE​

The Assyrians of Mesopotamia formats a large empire from Egypt across to West Asia.

550 BCE

Cyrus the Great was the founder of the very first Persian Empire that was based in West Asia.

509 BCE

Italy’s King was overthrown by the people of Rome and they began to establish the city’s influence.

508 BCE

the Athenians of Greece establish the first democracy.

490-479 BCE

The Persians made two unsuccessful attempts to take over the cities of Greece.

450 BCE

The culture of Celtic La Tène develops in Switzerland.

336-323 BCE

Alexander of Macedonia empowers Greece and defeats the Persian Empire. New Greek cities are founded as far away East as India.

321-185 BCE

Chandragupta Maurya of South India plotted to invade the north and established the Maurya Empire.

221 BCE

Under the rule of the King of Qin the kingdoms of China unite. He became Shi Huangdi (“First Emperor”).

202 BCE-220 CE

For 400 years the emperors of the Han Dynasty ruled over China.

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