Tiny Champions


Tiny Champions Cars


What Does Mean Adjacent?​ Adjacent simply means; Next Too. Example 1. The blue car is adjacent to the green truck and the red car. Example 2. Adjacent Sides Sides immediately next to each other. Adjacent Angles Angles immediately next to each other. XWY is adjacent to YWZ.

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Tiny Champions

Accuracy and Precision

Accuracy and Precision Accuracy Accuracy reports the level of perfection a recorded value is comprehended. This would be of a detailed value of absolute, correct and non-error. Precision Precision presents the measurement and calculation established. Accuracy and Precision​ Accuracy is measured by correctness. Precision is a measure of how much detailed information is given. Accuracy

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Tiny Champions

Absolute Value

Absolute Value What is an absolute value? An absolute value of x or -x is just simply the number ignoring the minus sign. For example, the number -2 equals the absolute value 2. As shown in the picture below. Definition So the Absolute Value is the non-negative value of the number. |x| is positive |-x|

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